The Clowns

Madame Muska

A pain in the ass with a very special sense of chic, chic, chic, Muska is a bone hard to chew.

Authoritary, elegant, arrogant and show-off and very very romantic. She loves playing the accordeon and taking care of the planification of tea parties.

  She grows as she meets other clowns that much inspired her like Jorge Pacheco, Jesus Jara, Virginia Imaz, Alex Navarro, Caroline Dream, Maria Colomer, Luis Castro, Pedro Fabião and Ana Piu in Europe and later in Brazil; Adelvane Neia; Silvia Leblon and from Argentine the known clown Tomate.
  She loves to travel around the world in company of her dear Madame Diva Maria, who's  lovely voice sweets her soul a little bit.


Madame Diva Maria

Diva Maria was born just another clown until the day she finally decided to follow her clown dream of becoming a great opera Diva ; with this she was reborn again as Diva Maria. 

She is  a dreamer of a world of her own, a dramatization of real life, what sometimes makes her, let's say , a little bit distracted of the more practical things in life. 

Fragile but enthusiast, is what defines Diva Maria; 

 In her formation of Madame clown she met great clown masters as Pepe Nunez, Ana Piu, José Carlos Garcia, Luis Castro and so many others that applauded  and hoot her. 

She loves to sing, to drink her tea, and to travel without rest with her great friend Madame Muska, that helps her to grow and in   maintaining focus and concentration in real life.

Together they spread the “Madame” message!